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مسرح الحارة
تطوير المسرح الفلسطيني والعربي من خلال: - تنسيق وعقد ورشات عمل في مجالات الفنون
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  • النشرة الختامية من موقع السياسات الثقافية في المنطقة العربية يُعلن برنامج السياسات الثقافية في... قراءة>>
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الأعضاء بحث
ياسر جراب
مدير ثقافي, مجلة المسرح
ولد 1962 في سوريا وانتقل إلى القاهرة، وتخرج من المعهد العالي للسينما شعبة سيناريو،

Studies and reports - Compendium profiles
Cultural Policy in Jordan: Summry Update of Compendium Profil 2015
Mar 2017

The summary of updates from the exploratory survey on cultural policy in Jordan is based on the most prominent points included therein. It focuses primarily on changes and updates within the cultural sector from 2014 until late 2015 and how those changes are related politically and socially. It also poses questions about prominent cultural policies in Jordan and considers the difficulties faced by the cultural sector as a whole.

Exploratory surveys are a tool to oversee laws, mechanisms, and regulations which dictate cultural policy activity in Jordan. The study was undertaken according to the Compendium model, which is used to study cultural policies across the world.

Researchers Samah Hijjawi and Nawal Ali prepared the original survey in Jordan in 2009. Hijjawi and researcher Ala Younis then provided the updated version in 2013. Younis then worked with researcher Raed Ibrahim to prepare the 2015 version. The current version was created by researcher Asef Khaldi.

To view the complete summary in English, please download the attached below. 


   Summry Update of Jordan Compendium Profil 2015 - En

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