المؤسسات بحث
جمعية التربية الفنية والثقافية “البولفار”
رصد ومساعدة الفرق الموسيقية خلال مشوارهم الموسيقي توفير فرص للتدريب والتطوير من
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الأعضاء بحث
كريمة منصور
مخرج فني، كوريوغراف وعارضه, معت للفن المعاصر/مركز القاهره للرقص المعاصر
حصلت كريمة منصور علي البكالوريوس و الماجستير في الرقص المعاصر من كلية لندن للرقص

Studies and reports - Studies and general reports
Cultural Policies: Foundation, Evolution, Problems: a New Study
Oct 2015

The Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression published a new study yesterday, entitled Cultural Policies: Foundation, Evolution, Problems, conducted by Husam Fazola and Mahmoud Othman.
The study explores the philosophy of cultural policies in Egypt since its foundation, examines its phases of its evolution, and concludes with an examination of the problems facing its further progress. The study uses historical, cultural, and political frameworks to examine the formation of cultural policies in Egypt, as well as critical analysis of the philosophy which governs legislation relating to creative freedom and expression.
The study provides, with its appendices, a deconstruction of the bodies ruling cultural policies in Egypt, in addition to presenting and analysing the cultural policy experiences and problems of three countries: Greece, Germany, and Croatia. 
To view the study, please click here.

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