Egypt: State Council Reverses Minister of Justice's Decision to Grant Judiciary Police Power to Art Unions
Apr 2016The Egyptian State Council reversed the Minister of Justice's decision to grant judicial police powers to the Actors' Union and the Musicians' Union, and referred the case to the Supreme Constitutional Court to determine the constitutionality of the last paragraph of Article 23 of the Criminal Procedure Code, as well as Article 5, which joins the Artists', Filmmakers', and Musicians' unions together in the eyes of the law.
In an April 17th citation, the court said: “It is inappropriate to give a public servant's role to union members and managers, considering Article 77 of the Constitution, which clearly outlines union independence and the inadmissibility of imposing protection on them.”
The court added: "The Constitution did not come from the people to be adhered to or abandoned at will by the state.” It was further noted that executing the Constitution is a duty to be upheld by all executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.
Former Minister of Justice Ahmed al-Zind had issued decision No. 6614 in September 2015, granting judicial police powers to select members the Actors' Union, a decision made in regards to crimes in violation of provisions of Law No. 8 of 2003, concerning the establishment and unification of acting, film and music trade unions, plus declaring a similar decision – No. 8737 – which granted judicial police powers to members of the Musicians' Union.
Union Media Advisor Tareq Murtada told the Middle East News Agency that the Board of Directors—headed by Hani Shaker— also decided file an appeal to the Administrative Court in hopes of reversing its decision to remove judicial police powers.